School of Rural Management

School of Rural Management (SRM), Ratlam, is promoted by two powerful entities of the rural development sector in India, viz. Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO) and Gramin Vikas Trust (GVT).

The School of Rural Management (SRM) was established in 2014 and since then, it has been offering a two year post graduate diploma program in rural management. It is an institute recognized both by the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MoHRD), Govt. of India. In these seven years, it has charted its own course in the world of professional rural development education. Our course, combines class room work with two rigorous field work phases, when the students are placed with sector organizations to work with hands on and live projects. AICTE has approved the new educational institute in the name of “School of Rural Management” to develop a professional cadre or rural development managers, vide its letter F. No. Central 1-/2087920291/2014/ LOA, dated 30 April 2014. It is situated in the state of Madhya Pradesh, a State known for its historic values. It is located in a sprawling campus of 25 acres on the outskirts of Bhadwasa village off the southern bank of river Maleni and 23 km. north of the famous Railway Town – Ratlam. It is very much on the MHOW-NIMACH State Highway-31 and having entry & exit points of Delhi- Mumbai 8-lane expressway, just nearer to SRM Campus.

The Vision

“To learn, develop and disseminate strategies to deepen and strengthen sustainable rural livelihood safety net in farm and non farm sectors.”

The Mission

“To establish, nurture and create a center for excellence to build capacities of and empower rural communities augmenting livelihoods by developing and applying low cost appropriate cutting edge scientific, technological and entrepreneurial models and practices.”